Batman #118 Review

Written by: Joshua Williamson

Art by: Jorge Molina, Mikel Janin

Coloring by: Tomeu Morey

Lettering by: Clayton Cowles

Batman #118 is emblematic of both the successes and failings of Batman as a character these last few years. Many people, in the DC Universe and the fanbase wants him to grow as a character, to be a bit warmer, to be a human being more often. But for some reason, DC refuses to let it happen.

Batman #118 feels like it’s in a tug of war. It teases that Batman should be able to be a superhero and be happy. Then it remembers this is a Batman book. When that happens, it interrupts a touching story about Batman patrolling a celebratory Gotham City with a murder that will take him out of the country. The premise is interesting, bringing back Batman Incorporated and some of its beloved characters for a murder mystery. It just feels like it could have happened an issue later.

How does Batman leaving Gotham not feel like a bigger deal?

So while the story is haphazard and stops itself before its best moments, it’s still an enjoyable comic that teases something new. I’m excited to see the new creative take the reins, but their first issue didn’t have to jump into a new story arc so fast.

Something I do want to point out is how Joshua Williamson is writing Robin, Justice League: Incarnate, Deathstroke: Inc, and now Batman. He does well with empathetic characters and down-to-earth sensibilities. That’s why I don’t love his Deathstroke, but he can bring something to Batman that the character and the series need. I just wish Batman #118 was a better example of it.

Of all the series Joshua Williamson is writing for, which one do you think is your favorite so far? I truly think that it could be Batman if given the chance.

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